General Location
Holy Spirit Orthodox Church
102 Route 284
Wantage, New Jersey 07461
From the South
Route 80 N to Route 23 N into the town of Sussex. Make a right turn in the town to Route 284 north (The Church is approximatley 1.7 miles on the right side heading north. Look for the beautiful white church with the golden cupola on top!
From Route 15 North or South
Take Route 15 to Route 565 into the town of Sussex. One way traffic pattern requires that you turn right onto 23S, make your first left, followed by another left, onto Rt. 23 N. Make a right at the light onto 284N. The Church is approximately 1.7 miles on the right side. Look for the beautiful white church with the golden cupola on top!
From Route 206 North or South
Take Route 206 to Route 565 into the town of Sussex. One way traffic pattern requires that you turn right onto 23S, make your first left, followed by another left, onto Rt. 23 N. Make a right at the light onto 284N. The Church is approximately 1.7 miles on the right side. Look for the beautiful white church with the golden cupola on top!
Archpastoral Visit
6:30pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy with His Eminence, Archbishop Michael
6:30pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Memorial Saturday
9am Divine Liturgy
5:00 Great Vespers
St. Gregory Palamas
9:45 Hours 10:00 Divine Liturgy - followed by fellowship and refreshments
Deanery Vespers - TBD