Welcome! Join us in worship and fellowship.
We hold Vespers service Saturdays at 5:00pm, and Divine Liturgy at 10:00am on Sunday, followed by coffee and refreshments.
Are you an inquirer into Orthodox Christianity? Wonderful! Come and see!
If you have any questions, contact us by email using the contact form on this site.
Stay and explore our site -- we have a schedule of services, driving directions, and informative videos that we hope you will enjoy.
We very much hope to meet you soon.
Archpastoral Visit
6:30pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy with His Eminence, Archbishop Michael
6:30pm Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Memorial Saturday
9am Divine Liturgy
5:00 Great Vespers
St. Gregory Palamas
9:45 Hours 10:00 Divine Liturgy - followed by fellowship and refreshments
5pm Deanery Vespers with His Eminence, Archbishop Michael